Royal Pacific Institute

Privacy Policy

Effective Date:

December 1, 2011


Oshio College of Acupuncture and Herbology (OCAH) collects students’personal information for the following reasons:

  • To maintain student records as required by PTIB.
  • To maintain student records as required by SABC (accredited     schools).
  • To keep students/graduates informed of activities of the school.
  • To issue T2202As in accordance with the Canada Revenue Agency.


Student’s personal information is not used for any other purpose.

For all full career training programs:


OCAH retains the full student file for a period of seven (7) yearsfollowing the student’s withdrawal, dismissal or graduation. After seven years,the full student record is destroyed using a secure destruction method.

OCAH uploads a copy of the students’ contract, transcripts, andcredential (if any) to an approved third-party vendor. These records areretained for a period of fifty-five (55) years by the third-party vendor.

Procedurefor maintaining student files:

  1. Student personal information is collected throughout the student’s     attendance at the institution. All required information regarding the     student is placed in the student file.
  2. Student files containing personal information are safely stored in     locking filing cabinets and access to the student files is limited to the     appropriate administrative staff, the Senior Education Administrator, and     the School Owner (Dr. Yin).
  3. When a student leaves the school, either by withdrawal, dismissal     or graduation, a transcript is prepared showing the marks achieved in the     courses completed. If the student has completed all the courses within the     program of study, a program credential is also prepared.  These documents are signed by the School     Owner and copies of the signed documents are placed in the student file.
  4. Within 30 days of the student leaving school, copies of the     Enrolment contract, Transcript and Diploma for full career training     programs are sent to the third-party vendor for long term storage.
  5. After documents are sent for long-term storage, the full student     file is placed in “in-active” student storage for one year.
  6. At the end of one year, the student file is placed in “closed”     storage for a further six years.
  7. At the end of the seven-year period, the full student file may be     destroyed using a secure destruction method.


Procedure for student access to the information on file:


  1. Students wishing to access the information in the student file must     make the request in writing.
  2. The Senior Educational Administrator will meet with the student to     review the file and will provide copies of any document the student     requests.
  3. The student will pay $0.25 per page for the documents copied for     him/her.


Procedurefor authorizing release of information:

  1. If a student wishes to authorize a third party to access     information in his/her student file, he/she must do so in writing.

The school will not release information to anyperson other than people authorized by the student to access information unlessrequired to do so by legislation, a subpoena, court order or if release ofinformation is necessary as part of an ongoing police investigation.

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